This Butt Exercise Changes Everything

Start on your knees and forearms, with your shoulders directly over your elbows and your hips over your knees. Your toes should be on the floor as well with your feet flexed, your thighs should be totally vertical, and your back should be straight. Make sure to keep your abs tight throughout this move.
Lift your left knee straight upward, maintaining the 90-degree angle and keeping your foot flexed. It's important to make sure that no other part of your body shifts (keeping your core tight helps with this). Your weight should be evenly distributed between your elbows and your knee, but make sure not to lean over to the right and put pressure on your right knee.
Keep lifting your left leg, thinking about driving your heel up toward the ceiling. (Remember, your foot should remain flexed). When you feel your glute squeeze as much as it possibly can (it should really burn), you're there. For most people, this means lifting the knee above the line of the head and spine. Make sure to go all the way — the last one to two inches is what makes a real difference. Your foot should be as close to parallel with the floor as possible. (Think about kicking the ceiling with a flat foot.)
The one move you need for your best butt, ever
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