6 Yoga Poses that Lift and Tighten Your Butt.Best forms of beauty

Skinny Ms.
Equipment Needed: Water for hydration and a yoga mat or a soft surface.
What to Do: Watch the demonstrations of each exercise, and then try to do each exercise for 5 breaths on each leg. Advance to progressing through the yoga routine like a circuit, inhaling and exhaling, while transitioning from one pose to the next. Complete two circuits of 5 breaths for each pose.
1. Downward Dog with Leg Lifts to Ab Crunch
2. Crescent Lunge
3. Half Moon Pose
4. Tree Pose
5. Chair Pose
6. Bridge Pose
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6 Yoga Poses that Lift and Tighten Your Butt #yoga #buttworkouts
Found on:skinnyms.com
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