7 Exercises for the Sexiest Legs Ever .Best forms of beauty

7 Exercises for the Sexiest Legs Ever
por Elizabeth Narins
Sculpt away!
Wondering what to do with those massive rubber
bands you regularly neglect at the gym? The simple fitness prop could be
your ticket to stronger legs and a high, tight butt. Try these moves
from Andia Winslow, certified
fitness instructor and sports performance coach. Perform each exercise
in the order below. Then repeat the set two to three times for a
lower-body makeover.
1. Static High Knees:
Loop the band around both feet, and stand with your feet about
shoulders-width apart and elbows bent along your sides. Simultaneously
lift your left arm and right knee so your right thigh is about parallel
to the ground. Complete eight to 10, then switch sides.
2. Split Jumps: Loop the band around your ankles and
stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart. Bend your knees, and
jump straight up as you drive your right leg forward and your left leg
backward. At the same time, swing your left arm forward and right arm
backward for momentum. Land with your feet in starting position. Do five
jumps with your right foot and left arm forward, then five with your
left foot and right arm forward.
3. Plank Knee Thrusts: Loop the band around your left
foot and right ankle, then get into a plank position with your shoulders
stacked above your palms and your body in a straight line between the
top of your head and your heels. Lift your right foot off the floor and
bring your right knee straight forward to the inside of your right
elbow. Then return to start. Do eight to 10 thrusts with the right foot,
then loop the band around your right foot and left ankle, and repeat
with the left leg.
4. Straight Leg Lifts: Loop the band around your ankles
and lie on your back with your legs outstretched, your feet flexed, and
your palms on the floor beneath your butt. Brace your core and raise
both legs about a foot off the ground. Keeping both legs straight and
your left leg as still as possible, raise your right leg up as far as
you can. With control, bring your right leg back down to the starting
position. Do eight to 10 raises, then switch legs and repeat.
5. Standing Hip Abduction: Wrap the band around your
ankles. Then stand with your hands on your hips and your feet about
hips-width apart. Shift your weight to the left foot and lift your right
foot off the ground. Keeping your shoulders directly above your hips,
brace your glutes as you lift your right leg out to the side as far as
you can without compromising your posture. Pause, then return to start.
Complete eight to 10 leg lifts, then shift your weight to your right
foot and complete eight to 10 reps with your left leg.
6. Knee-Ins: Loop the band around both feet. Lie on
your back with your legs outstretched, your feet flexed, and your palms
on the floor beneath your butt. Without moving your left leg, brace your
core as you pull your right knee up toward your right shoulder. Then
release with control to the starting position. Complete eight to 10
reps, then switch legs.
7. Monster Walk: Wrap the band around your lower
calves, and stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart and knees
bent. Keeping your feet wide and the band taut, take four exaggerated
steps forward. Then, take four exaggerated steps backward.
Pin the workout graphic below so you remember to try it later!
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