10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body.Best forms of beauty

by Andrea
I am extremely passionate about sharing my
story and the lessons I’ve learned in hopes of inspiring others to live
their own I’mperfect Life!
Just a heads up, for those new to seeing this post…This was written in May 2014 and while I’m still on the same journey the path has changed multiple times since then– I experienced a few injuries that caused fitness related setbacks, a few family emergencies, apregnancy, a miscarriage and a subsequent 20lbs weight gain.
I share it all here on my blog and I hope you’ll take time to look
around my for further inspiration and join my mailing list to get my
Quick Start Guide for Creating a Healthy Lifestyle and updates on my
ongoing adventures as well as notifications of upcoming I’mperfect Life
Thank you for taking the time to read and
share. I can’t tell you how much the response to this post touches my
heart, making me want to do more and be better. <3
Even though I have lost 164lbs and I am at my doctor’s goal weight…
Even though I have been doing crossfit 4-5 days a week for almost 2 years and eat a very clean diet (90% of the time)…
Even though I am a certified personal trainer and a Spartan, a Rugged Maniac, a Warrior and a Triathlete…
Because of this I try very hard to stay focused on fitness goals as
my measure of success rather than my appearance, or the number on the
scale, or the size of my jeans…sometimes…just sometimes, I forget.
A few weeks ago I did just that…I forgot. I was faced with a “Look Good Naked Challenge” at my gym that I knew I had no chance in hell of winning. I remembered that summer was just around the corner and realized that I would go a 25th year wearing shorts over my bathing to hide the legs I’ve hated since I was 11. I tried on a jean skirt that I wanted so bad only to see my misshapen knees that have kept me from wearing anything above them throughout all of my adult years, and out of nowhere it hit me like a ton of bricks…I felt frustrated, discouraged and sad. Like really, really sad. I even cried a little.I felt like all the hard work that I’d been doing wasn’t paying off and it made me want to give up.
I spent a good week or so feeling sorry for myself, getting caught up in the vanity of it all. I didn’t work as hard at the gym, I didn’t eat as well as I usually do and every time I looked in the mirror I felt worse than I had the time before.
I can’t recall if there was something specific that got me to pull my head out of my ass, but fortunately something did. (could have just been the end of my period…fricken hormones!) Regardless of what it was, I decided that it was time to REALLY celebrate what my ugly body CAN DO rather than focus on what it looks like…or doesn’t look like. So I asked my friend Emily, the amazing photographer at Southern Star Photography, to take some pictures of me DOING the THINGS I have NEVER, EVER…EVER in my entire life…not even as a kid (with the exception of the cartwheel) have been able to do until now.
So here you go! Today I am celebrating what my body is capable of doing because of the lifestyle changes that I’ve made and the hard work I’ve done in and out of the gym.
I am PROUD of my ugly body because…
Found on: imperfectlife.net
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