Butt on Fire Printable

Hey guys!
Today I spent some time working on a
special project for you. Sundays are my favorite day to cook and
prep…and go foodie photag crazy. Today I decided to be a foodie
filmmaker, so please enjoy this mini trailer I made for you on the fly
between mixing batter, sprinkling cinnamon, flipping pancakes, and
crushing walnuts.
Made more donut fonuts today. Mmmmm….who wants to come over and eat the chocolate ones for me!? (If you want the recipe, here it is. For the frosting though, I did half a banana and 2 TBS of tofutti cream cheese.)
It was definitely challenging trying to
photograph the food all professional food blogger style, but I am
learning!! What do you think of this shot? Not bad right? I also
realized I need a lot more cutesy props and more fabrics and plates for
interesting texture.
Also! Here’s a printable for “Butt on Fire”! Try this routine a few
times a week to see some serious lift in your behind! Fun routine, no
weights. And just so you know, mini circles are the death. Yes they are.
Hope you’re having a relaxing weekend. I
am trying to learn how to find calmness in my life. Isn’t it funny that I
find it HARD to take it easy? What I’ve tried to do is do more of what
makes me feel good. Top on my list are cooking and going to the Farmer’s
Market. So far I’ve been cooking more and it’s been doing my soul good
:) Tell me, what relaxes you?
Love you and see you tomorrow for a new beach workout!
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