Killer Legs and Butt Workout .Best forms of beauty

By Skinny Ms.
Note: This workout is designed for the gym or home gym.
Equipment Needed: One set of Dumbbells of medium weight (optional barbell for squats); leg press machine; leg extension machine; leg curl machine; flat bench or step approximately 12″ to 16″, for step-ups.
What to Do: All fitness levels perform 12 repetitions of each move; rest 15 seconds after each move; rest one minute after each circuit. View video demonstrations below for correct form.
Beginner Level: Complete one circuit Intermediate Level: Complete three circuits Advanced Workout: Complete four circuits
1. Squats (wide stance squats with dumbbells or barbell)
2 Stiff Legged Dead lifts
3. Dumbbell Lunges
4. Leg Press
5. Leg Extensions
6. Leg Curl
7. Step-ups
8. Calf Raises
In order to gain the most benefit from this or any other workout, it is important to set aside 30-45 minutes for performing each routine. Also, track your progress so you will know if increases should be made in weight, sets or repetition.
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