How to Get Rid of Cellulite.The best forms of beauty

By Kelsey Benson
Before my last competition I decided to try something new. Many pageant sisters of mine have reached out to me and asked how to be rid of cellulite. Although, we all are so fit and so tiny, sometimes cellulite is still noticeable and it can really be a damper on swimsuit. Well have no fear ladies, this little remedy helped me and I think it can help you too!
For sugar I used regular Great Value brand sugar and for coffee I used Great Value brand too.
I mixed it all together until I got a sort of paste texture, then I prepared for the worst! (Thinking that this was really going to hurt.) But it turned out to actually be very relaxing. I headed up the mixture in the microwave for about 30 seconds, and then started to rub it on my thighs. (It’s best to stand in the shower or over a trash bag while doing this. It’s VERY messy.) Rubbing in small circular motions for 60 seconds each leg, I repeated the same thing 3 times and then did the same on my belly, hips, and backs of my arms. After I washed myself off my skin felt AMAZING. The coconut oil moisturized my skin very well, and the caffeine helped as a way to break up the cellulite on my legs.
I did this for the whole week before my competition and loved the way my body looked. Now just to keep my skin soft and exfoliated, I rub this scrub on my body twice a week. I highly recommend anyone to try this for themselves. If you have done this or are going to do this, let us know how your progress went or comment below your own recipe for the perfect cellulite crusher.
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