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Grow it long, grow it strong!.The best forms of beauty

What to and not to do when growing your hair out....ideas I've never heard before.

i’m obsessed with long hair. if i think about cutting mine, my soul gets a little sad. if see a girl with long, luscious locks, i get Serious hair envy. creepy? sure, i guess… but who can’t resist long, beautiful hair?! here’s my take on getting those long, strong locks you’ve always wanted :) i grew mine from shoulder/collarbone length (what’s the correct term for that length anyway?) to below the middle of my back in about a year and i never want to cut it! haha. i’m a fan of concise lists, rather than long paragraphs, so here goes my do’s and don’t’s: (dont’s…do not’s…)

 Do not:

  • wash your hair every day. this is a biggie! you’re stripping your hair of its moisturizing oils.
  • brush your hair while wet. this is so so so bad for it! it strains it and can lead to breakage. please stop!
  • use a blowdryer. i know it’s a hard habit to break, but you’re killing your hair. stop it right now.
  • use hair dye. permanent, demi, whatever. please stop. you’re doing irreversible damage.
  • use a straightener or curling iron every day. or most days. only use them on occasion, and protect your hair when you do! try using a natural heat protectant.
  • dry your hair with a towel.
  • neglect getting your hair cut. you don’t need to trim it every month or “x” weeks, but you do need to trim when you have split ends. they WILL continue to split and your hair will not be pretty nor will it be long and strong.
  • pull your hair back into a tight ponytail or bun every day. this will cause breakage! and NEVER use rubber bands! eesh!
  • *if you can, drop traditional shampoo, conditioner, and styling products all together. your hair doesn’t need to be coated in chemicals to be pretty!! i’m this way with my hair and i don’t even need conditioner or styling products anymore. you’d be surprised at what your hair can do/looks like when there aren’t chemicals clinging to it! check out all my natural hair posts Here
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