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Tuck and Cover Great Gatsby style.The best forms of beauty

Tuck and Cover Great Gatsby style


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© 2011 My Soul is the Sky, © 2014 Missy Sue | by Melissa Cook

 Tuck and Cover (video tutorial) now has a new version, the Tuck and Cover Great Gatsby style! This is such a fun hairstyle and easy to do! If you love this look be sure and check out the Tuck and Cover Half too!
Over the weekend I was out shopping and spotted a girl in Forever21 sporting the hairstyle. It always looks so darn cute and I love seeing it in so many different places. While I was there I spotted this adorable headband and couldn’t help but purchase it for a new hairstyle post. As I was playing around with the headband in my bathroom I started randomly tucking my hair into it and before I knew it this hairstyle was created!
This look is super easy to do and all you need is a really fun headband.
Follow these quick steps to achieve the style:
1 / Place the headband over the head, lining the front up with your hairline.
2 / Grab the hair directly in front of your right ear and wrap it around the band so the ends hang back down again.
3 / Combine this with the hair directly next to it and wrap it around the band again as in step 2.
4 / Now, take the next section of hair, bringing it up towards the band but instead of tucking it in simply hold it over the band.
5 / Then, take the remaining hair and push it all up towards the band forming a clump or ball shape.
6 / Push the hair down so it tucks into the band but the ends remain sticking out.
7 / Pull down a few pieces on the side so it has a more asymmetrical feel and covers the left ear.
8 / Gently pull the hair on top to loosen it slightly.
Done! Now you can wear the Tuck and Cover Great Gatsby style with that 1920’s flair!


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