Spun Sugar Rainbow .Nail art tutorial.Best forms of beauty

Spun Sugar Rainbow or, Why I’m in the mood for Skittles
Posted by Mishka in Nail Art
Hiya there! Did you miss me? I mega missed you! Here’s hoping you’re in the mood for some color.
Yesterday I had a friend request a re-creation of a spun sugar rainbow manicure done by The Manicurator. You can check out her AMAZING job here. Now, on to my interpretation
I started out with a white base color of Sinful Colors Snow Me White. On top of that I added China Glaze With Love to the base of my nails. Being sure to only work across a small portion of my nail, so as to make sure there would be room for all of the other colors.
From there I began adding the other colors, working my way towards the free edge. Next was piCture pOlish Fake Tan.Read more:
Found on:acciolacquer.com
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