Halloween Inspiration: Retro Hair Tutorial Round-up
everyone! So if you've been following along with our life at all then
you know that little baby girl is well past her due date and not showing
any major signs of wanting to change that! I've had lots of signs that
things are progressing normally, but overall it's all quiet on the home
front:| That being said, costumes have pretty much taken a back seat for
Martin and I this year, and so if I'm not sitting home with a newborn
on Halloween, than I'll have to come up with something pretty last
minute. That's where this round-up comes in!
know that for whatever reason, there are tons of ladies out there like
me who haven't had the time to think of any type of costume for
themselves yet this year, and also since I've been getting emails asking
about retro ideas for Halloween, I decided to share them with all of
you in the hopes of providing some inspiration for last minute costumes!
All you need to complete a look with one of these styles is some bold
lips, a great cat-eye, top it off with a retro style shirt and pencil
skirt and you're good to go! For those of you who have been looking for
an excuse to do your hair like this, Halloween is the perfect time:)
you all again so much for your encouragement and support as we wait for
baby girl. Your sweet comments, emails, and messages make me feel so
happy and loved! I hope you have a great day, and thank you so much for
Modern Pin-up Week: #5 - Upright Pin Curls
everyone! Its been a crazy week around here off line, and such a fun
one for me on the blog! I know that these retro tutorials are more for
special occasions and not every day like the styles I normally post, but
perhaps that why being elaborate once in a while feels so refreshing?
Here's today's:
almost feel like I should apologize in advance for how detailed this
tutorial is going to be, because I've never posted one with so many
steps before! I'm not sorry though, because this is probably my favorite
retro tutorial of them all, and I'm so excited that I finally get to
present it to you!
are a lot of different things I could have called this, because its the
perfect style for a any retro/vintage party or Mad Men premier, or with
Halloween coming up soon its certainly the the key element for
that Marilyn Monroe or Elisabeth Taylor costume! My hair does touch my
rump but its pretty thin so don't go thinking that if its shorter that
you'll have a harder time, because obviously its a faux bob tutorial,
and if you already have short hair, then you're that much closer to
achieving it!
Supplies needed:
- boar bristled teasing comb
- straight comb
- lots of bobby pins or pin curl clips
- strong hold hairspray
Step #1: Start
by separating your smooth brushed hair in half by drawing a line from
ear to ear, and tying the back half up for later. choose a dramatic side
part from the front section and tuck back the smaller side for later as
well. Begin your pin curling by rolling the curls as flat as possible,
and Away from
your part. You're going to curl in 1 inch sections, going in little
rows. Each 1" square (approximately) section you're going to wrap around
your clipless curling iron (or around both the clip and the barrel of a
regular curling iron) and hold for a few seconds before sliding your
iron out leaving the rolled curl in your hands, and you're going to
pinch the curl together and secure to your scalp with a single or
double pronged clip, or with a bobby pin. and move on to the next!
Step #2: Once
you've finished the front of your head with the curls pointing down
either side start curling the back section by dividing it in half
horizontally, then creating your pin curls from the top to the bottom,
and pointing downwards. Once your whole head is covered in the pin
curls, wait about 20 minutes more for the curls to cool and set
completely before letting down the bottom level of curls.
Step #3: Grouping
them into sections of 3-4 curls, take your comb and combine them all
together by combing from the roots to the ends a couple of times
(pulling the hair taught), then slowly letting the curl settle back up
into place (if you have shorter hair this is where you really have the
advantage over ladies like me!). To begin shortening your locks, roll
the bottom a bit to get rid of the ends and gather the whole curl in
your palm, tuck it close to your head and pin in place at the height of
your choosing.
Step #4: once
you have a whole level complete, spray well with some good hairspray,
and move onto the next level of curls! Make sure you're combing the
curls from the underside to pull the hair away from your face. When you
get the the section of curls at your crown, tease a bit at the roots
before combing out that section.
Step #5: To
finish off the whole look, pull the front corner curl (from the smaller
side) taught and tuck it by your ear. Tease the last three top curls at
the base and then comb them out together. To complete the bangs comb
the very front straight up, pinch the crease, and then comb back down
and curve the hair under itself. Pin well, spray, and you're all done!
all that and I still wish that I could be more thorough in the
instructions, so for sure ask if you have any questions! Remember that
layers are only helpful for this style though not necessary, and I have
side-swept bangs, so don't let that stop you either! Remember though
that pin curls are pretty ambitious and a little more time consuming
than most styles, so its not for the faint hearted:) but definitely for
those mad men parties! Just don't start them on a day when you're short
on time. In the end its really about having fun and just playing with
your hair till its laying how you like it!
you all so much for the sweet comments and feedback by the way, and I
look forward to posting more regular things again starting next week!
Have a great day guys:)
xo, Emmy
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Read more:
Xoxo, Emily
P.S. If you want more immediate updates about the baby, its probably best to follow on Instagram! xo
Retro Hair Tutorial Round-up with lots of different styles and great
step-by-step tutorials on how to do them. From 40's and 50's. (tutorials
from The Freckled Fox)
Found on
See more: