Heavy Lifting: Sculpt a Stronger, Leaner, Slimmer Body
Shape Magazine
For one workout, do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps per side. For your next workout, do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps per side.
How to do it:
Rest your head and shoulders on a weight bench, arms open to the sides,
palms facing up. Walk your legs out until your knees are bent at about
90 degrees and your feet are positioned directly below your knees. Lift
your hips so that your body makes a straight line from knees to nose.
your right knee bent at 90 degrees, lift it above your hip. Keeping
your right leg lifted, lower your hips towards the floor, and then press
hips back up through your left heel. That's one rep. You can make this
move more difficult by adding weight—try holding a weighted bar across
your hips.
Read more:
This total-body strength plan will scorch major calories and transform your shape, fast!
Single-Leg Hip Thrust: This is a killer glute exercise! One of the best
i've ever tried, i couldn't move for three days after that!
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