Teach yourseft how to apply makeup properly.The best forms of beauty

8 tutorials to teach you how to apply make-up like a pro
On the morning of my seventh-grade school photos, I sat down at the breakfast table with a face full of blue eye shadow, matching blue eyeliner and mascara, orange blush, and frosty pink lipstick.
And you know what?
My mother never said a word.
She just continued boiling me an egg and pouring me orange juice as if it was completely normal for a 13-year-old girl to go to school looking like a hooker.
A few months later, my school pictures arrived, and I had the shock of my life when I saw how ridiculous I looked and, after slamming into the house and tearing a strip off of my mum for letting me leave the house looking like a clown, I threw all of my make-up into the garbage and put my fantasy of becoming a make-up artist on hold.
Sadly, I had a similar experience my senior year when I tried to tweeze my eyebrows to look like Kelly Taylor from 90210, and I’ve been kind of scared to do anything drastic since.
Except for the time I dyed my eyebrows black.
But after I found all of these awesome beauty tips to make your face look thinner, I decided it was time to put my fears behind me and learn how to apply make-up like a pro.
And thanks to all of the amazing make-up artists I subscribe to over on YouTube, I’m finally starting to learn the tricks of the trade.
And now I’m going to share my favorite tutorials with you in hopes that I can prevent another poor soul from making the same beauty mistakes I once made.
1. How to apply foundation and concealer by Jaclyn Hill.
From foundation & contour, to blush & eyebrows, to eyeshadow & eyeliner, this collection of makeup tutorials will teach you how to apply makeup properly.
From foundation and contour, to blush and eyebrows, to eyeshadow and eyeliner, this collection of makeup tutorials is just what you need to teach yourself not only how to apply makeup, but how to apply makeup properly.
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