Grapefruit Essential Oil.Cellulite.The best forms of beauty

Grapefruit Essential Oil
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Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapefruit has become yet another oil I will never be without, simply because of all of its health benefits. I love to add essential oils to my water and I was pleasantly surprised to my liking of grapefruit essential oil. I did not like grapefruit as a child and I really did not like grapefruit juice, but over the years, I have come to like this citrus fruit. The oil does not have a “sour/bitter” taste as you might think. It is simply refreshing and just plain yummy!Grapefruit Essential Oil has many benefits:
Grapefruit essential oil has a fresh, citrus aroma that is energizing and uplifting. Rich in the powerful antioxidant d-limonene, it is nourishing to the skin. Like many cold pressed citrus oils, it is a popular oil to use in conjunction with weight management programs. Grapefruit may also be used to enhance the flavor of food and water.How To Use Grapefruit Essential Oil:
Apply to the soles of the feet, or to area of concern. Add a drop into your ‘glass’ of water. Diffuse it into the air via a diffuser.My favorite ways to use grapefruit are in my glass of water and topically to those “areas” of your body where you have those “dimples.” Check out my video below for more details on grapefruit, how I use it and why I love it!
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