5 Easy Moves to Reshape Your Butt.The best forms of beauty
This butt workout routine with exercises for butts only, will show you 5
fool proof moves to shape your butt that will have your behind back to
its best in no time!
by Skinny Ms.

The butt can be one of the most troublesome areas for women.
Everyone wants a firm, round, and lifted butt, but not everyone knows
exactly how to get one. Well, look no further! The routine below, has
only exercises that targets the butt, and gives you 5 fool proof moves
to a more shapely backside. So get ready to reshape your butt with
these 5 Butt Defining Moves.
Equipment Needed: One set of dumbbells of medium weight (8-12 lbs); yoga mat or soft surface
What to Do: Complete
12 repetitions of each exercise. Perform the number of rounds as
indicated for your fitness level. For one round, complete each exercise
one after the other with little to no rest in between. For optimal
results, perform this workout two times per week on nonconsecutive
days. Be sure to check out the videos to ensure that you’re using proper
Beginner Level: Complete one rounds.
Intermediate Level: Complete two rounds.
Advanced Level: Complete four rounds.
1. Plié Squats
2. Side Lunge (12 reps each leg)
3. Bird Dog (12 reps each leg)
4. Dumbbell Deadlift
5. Hip Extensions (12 reps each leg)
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5 Easy Moves to Reshape Your Butt #summer #buttworkout #workout #skinnyms
Found on:skinnyms.com
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