Skin Care Tips for the Lazy Girl.The best forms of beauty

Slow your roll — we’re not calling you lazy. You’re a busy girl woman. We know that all week long, you’re out there kicking a** and taking names. All we’re saying is that somewhere between your demanding work schedule and fitness routine and your calendar full of afterhours commitments, you barely have time to think, much less go to the spa for a 3-hour facial.
Several studies, including one conducted in 2012 by the Kellogg School of Management, show that what you wear each day affects your overall performance. So while after a long day, all you may want to do is go home and be a lazy girl, it’s not in your best interest. The one thing you wear every day is your face, so take care of it even when all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and a season of House of Cards.
Here are three simple but effective tips for getting to couch potato status sooner than later without letting your skin suffer the consequences.
1. Take a warm shower.
Some (most) like it hot. But hot water can add a lot of time to your skin-care routine later on. Rather than applying copious amounts of serious lotion throughout the day, try taking a warm shower instead of a hot one. You should still apply a little moisturizer, but you won’t be so dry that you have to resort to multiple applications all day long.Slow your roll — we’re not calling you lazy. You’re a busy girl woman. We know that all week long, you’re out there kicki...
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Skin Care Tips for the Lazy Girl // #skincare #beauty