how to get rid of cowlicks and add volume hair.The best forms of beauty

I’ve spent most of my life as a blonde. But every few years or so I can tell that my hair needs a break from the bleach. Fried blonde is not a good look on me and I was starting to reach that point. So while blonde is by far my favorite color, every couple years I darken up for a bit to give my hair a chance to get healthy again. I always love it when I’m sitting in the chair at the hair dressers…then I get home and start to panic at the person I don’t recognize in the mirror. But it’s only hair right?!
Anyway, this is a bit random, but I thought I would write a post about how I get rid of my gnarly cowlicks every morning (actually, every morning that I wash my hair) and how I use a flat iron to add volume. Because of my hair pulling, I have really unruly cowlicks in the areas where my hair has grown back in–mostly on the crown of my head and the two spots on the side of my forehead. And since cutting my hair short, I have noticed weird flipage that happens at the ends of my hair–if I don’t blow dry and flat iron them then one side flips out and the other side flips under. Needless to say, allowing my hair to air dry is NOT a pretty picture.
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