Homemade face Scrub Recipes for Oily skin .The best forms of beauty

Homemade face Scrub Recipes for Oily skin
OatmealYoghurt and Honey Scrub: To deep clean your pores you can use this three ingredient face scrub recipe which is super easy.
Mix 1 tbsp. each of oatmeal, yoghurt and honey in a bowl. Mix all of them well and then apply it on your entire face. After keeping it for 15-20 minutes, wet your fingers and start scrubbing gently in circular motion. Then rinse off with cold water so that your pores get closed.
Oatmeal will deep cleanse your pores, yoghurt will remove excess oil and honey will still keep your skin nourished. This scrub is very good to deep clean pores and to remove excess sebum.
Baking soda, Honey and lemon juice Scrub: If you suffer from pimples and acne regularly then try this face scrub as it will prevent formation of acne.
Take 1 tbsp. of baking soda, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and mix it with half tbsp. of honey. Mix it well and then apply it on your face. Using wet fingers scrub your face gently for about 2-3 minutes and then rinse off using cold water.[read more]
Found on:realbeautyspot.com
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