Fuller lips tricks.The best of beauty

Fuller lips tricks
This one has been quite requested! Every time I use this trick someone asks me if I’ve had lip injections, including close family and friends who knows what my lips look like better than anyone. I find this amazing, it means the trick is so good that the lips are actually looking noticeably bigger. It’s nothing revolutionary, but it’s too good not to share the love.
4. I like my lips looking natural so I rarely use any coloured lipstick or lip gloss, but you do as you wish. Remember, a lipstick in a shade darker than your own lips may make your lips appear slimmer. And by strategically applying a lighter shade of lipstick you can make them appear fuller. In this step I simply applied some dots of a light lipstick (Mac Creme d’nude) to the centre of my lips, gently patting it onto the lips. This gives an illusion of fuller and more plump lips.
Try these tips on how to have fuller lips
Found on: bycelina.com
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