Floral Nail Art .The best forms of beauty

Polishers Inc. - Inspired By Nature // Floral Nail Art
When the theme was set, I knew that I wanted to do floral nail art, but the inspiration part, hmm... It was nowhere to be found! After a while it just hit me - I remembered I saw this beautiful white flower in the zoo last month! I still don't know what kind of flower it was, and I can't recall in detail how it looked, but anyway I decided to try and recreate it! :)
Aiming to make the design look as delicate as the flower itself, I chose a pinkish nude color for the base :) To make the flower pop a little bit, and for fun sake just keeping it kind of cartoon-y looking, I outlined it with black acrylic paint.[read more]
- See more at: http://www.nailescapades.com/2014/08/polishers-inc-inspired-by-nature-floral-nail-art.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+NailEscapades+(nail+escapades)#sthash.ffDsY8Rt.dpuf
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