name="p:domain_verify"/> This has some good tips on remedies for cellulite | best forms of beauty

This has some good tips on remedies for cellulite

This has some good tips on remedies for cellulite and vericose veins! I may need this down the road

We’re all starting to come out of our winter cocoons.
It’s getting warmer.
The swimsuit ads are showing up on TV.
And we’re looking at our milky white skin, the cellulite on our thighs, the varicose veins in our legs and thinking “Not a chance I’m putting this body in a swimsuit for public view any time soon.”
Okay, maybe that’s just me.  But I know it’s time to shed the layers of winter clothing and repair the damage I’ve subjected my body to while hibernating over the past few months.
And knowing what I’ve learned about essential oils, I know that I’m going to use them to do it.

Varicose VeinsVaricose veins are caused by abnormal swelling of the veins in the legs.  They’re usually a symptom of poor circulation and loss of elasticity in the vascular walls, especially the valves that control blood flow.   When the valves don’t work correctly, blood pools in the veins instead of flowing back to the heart.   This blood pooling causes swelling and that’s what makes the veins look larger.
Some of the oils you can use topically to treat varicose veins are:
  • lemongrass
  • lemon
  • peppermint
  • basil
  • bergamot
  • geranium
  • helichrysum
  • juniper
  • lavender
  • orange
  • rosemary
  • spikenard
  • tangerine
  • yarrow
Pick one at a time and use it for awhile until you find the one that works best for you. (I’ve found that bergamot or lavender work the best for me.)

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