3 moves for the best butt ever

1. The Kick Back. Start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees under your hips. Bring your right knee into your chest, tuck your stomach in, and pull your belly button toward the ceiling. Next, kick your leg straight back with your foot flexed and the bottom of your foot aimed toward the ceiling. Fully extend your leg and return your knee to your chest. Repeat this 15 times and keep your knee off the ground until you've finished. Switch legs and do two sets of these.
2. The Kick Back With a Pulse. Start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees under your hips. Bring your right knee into your chest, tuck your stomach in, and pull your belly button toward the ceiling. Next, kick your leg straight back with your foot flexed and the bottom of your foot aimed toward the ceiling. Fully extend your leg and pulse it by raising and lowering your foot about 6 inches three times. Return your knee to your chest. Repeat this 15 times and keep your knee off the ground until you've finished. Switch legs and do two sets of these.
3. The Curtsy Lunge. Start standing with your legs wider than hip-width apart and your arms by your side. Keeping your back straight, lean your chest slightly forward, and bring your right leg diagonally behind you so that it's a couple feet outside of your left leg (in curtsy position). Place only your toes on the ground, lunge with your right hip directly over your right knee, and bring your hands to meet in front of your chest. Push off with your right foot and return to the starting position but only touch your toes to the ground. Repeat this 15 times and switch legs. Do three sets of these.
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Found on cosmopolitan.com
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Photo Credit: Getty Images, Yoga Mat: Gaiam Yoga