Beginner's Cellulite Workout Routines.Best forms of beauty
You can kiss cellulite goodbye for good by doing this workout and engaging in some sort of cardio at least three times weekly. So get ready to say, "See ya'" to cellulite!
This beginner cellulite workout routine will help blast cellulite and trim fat. This cellulite exercise routine is designed to specifically target those darn troublesome areas that are hard to hit at the gym. The good news? You don’t need the gym for this workout! You can kiss cellulite goodbye by doing this workout, eating clean, and engaging in cardio at least three times weekly. So get ready to say, “See ya,” to cellulite!
Equipment Needed: yoga mat or soft surface
What to Do: Perform the routine below 3 times weekly for optimal results. See videos below for demonstrations to ensure you are using proper form.
1. Jumping Jacks – 20 reps
2. Reverse Lunge – 8 reps on each side
3. Lying Leg Raises – 15 reps each side
4. Side Leg Raise – 15 reps each side
5. Step Ups – 15 reps on each side (these can be done on your own stairs!)
6. Toe Taps – 12 reps on each side
7. Body Weight Squat – 15 reps
Do the Beginner's Cellulite Workout and say see ya to those pesky craters!! #cellulite #getridofcellulite
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