How to Lose Cellulite in 2 Weeks.The best forms of beauty
Cellulite is stores of fat separated into
honeycomb shaped compartments. You need fat stores to supply energy for
your workouts and to provide a cushion for the body. When the cells in
these stores outnumber the ones you use, you begin to see the cellulite
just under the skin. While you cannot rid your body of cellulite, you
can reduce the dimpled appearance. Genetics play a large role in how
visible cellulite is, but you may be able to somewhat diminish that
visibility in two weeks, depending on how quickly you burn fat.
Reduce the appearance of cellulite and
slim your legs with diet and exercise. Photo Credit
Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
Step 1
Perform 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular
exercise at least three days each week to burn fat as fuel and reduce
the appearance of cellulite. Increase your exercise to a daily workout
to see faster results. Exercise at an intensity level that is 70 to 80
percent of your maximum heart rate, says the American Council on
Exercise. Calculate this by subtracting your age from 220 and
multiplying the result by 0.70 and 0.80.
Step 2
Choose cardiovascular exercises that are full-body
rhythmic movements such as walking, cycling, skating, stair climbing,
dancing, swimming and rowing. Include a variety of exercises to
stimulate your fat stores to burn a higher number of calories.
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Step 3
Use resistance tools to perform a total-body
workout three days each week. This will burn calories and tighten the
muscles to lessen the appearance of celllulite. Perform one to three
sets of eight to 12 repetitions of an exercise for each major muscle
group including your shoulders, back, chest, arms, core, hips and legs.
Rest for one day between workouts.
Step 4
Eat a low-fat diet that includes fruits,
vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meats, whole grains, beans and eggs.
Reduce your intake of sugary foods such as cookies and cakes.
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