Beauty products you should make yourself.The best forms of beauty

Don’t think you need to head to an exclusive spa for top notch aromatherapy treatments—it’s super easy to DIY your way into the chill zone with beauty products you can make at home and give as gifts as well!
(if you’re pregnant or have health concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor before using essential oils in any amount)
To make the foot soak:
- combine 2 cups of Epsom salts with 1/2 cup baking soda and zest of one lime in a large bowl
- add 3-4 drops of lime essential oil and 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil
- Stir with wooden spoon to mix thoroughly. (optional, you could add just a drop of green food coloring if you’d like)
- Pour the mixture into a jar or bag, and use within a few weeks.
Chocolate is a great mood booster. Its scent and properties elevate levels of serotonin – a natural antidepressant. Chocolate produces endorphins in the brain that create feelings of happiness which help reduce stress.
Cocoa powder is a wonderful and powerful antioxidant. It protects and frees the skin from free radicals, that cause significant damage to skin layers.
Oatmeal is gentle on the skin, yet highly powerful. Not only is it a gentile exfoliant for removing dead skin, it can also provide soothing relief from sunburn, poison ivy or other irritations.
Honey is a great anti-bacterial agent, deeply cleanses your skin, and opens up clogged pores.
Cream adds moisture to your skin. Hydrates your skin and softens delaying the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup oatmeal
2 tablespoons milk (or cream)
To Make:
Grind oats in blender or food processor to form a powder.
Stir together oatmeal powder, cocoa powder honey and milk.
Apply to a clean face, leave on for 20 minutes, then wipe with a warm towel.
Place any remaining mask in a storage container and keep refrigerated for up to one week.
* *Do a patch test if you have sensitive skin.[read more]
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