10 plants that cure cellulite naturally.The best forms of beauty

10 Plant Extracts That Cure Cellulite
What is Cellulite and What Causes It
So how exactly does mother nature help us overcome this condition? Well, I am glad you asked. She gives as a variety of plants that are able to fight it off for good, you just have to know where to look. So without further ado, here is the list of 10 plant extracts that cure cellulite and help your skin be at it's best:
Caffeine extract
We have already discussed how caffeine extract can erase cellulite in a previous post, but let's refresh our memory.
Rubbing caffeine onto the areas affected by cellulite will help in two major ways. First it stimulates the blood flow into the area which helps the blood to flush away the toxins and supply fresh nutrients. Second it stimulates the metabolic processes. If you have some of my other posts, you should know that metabolism is a natural process of creating energy by burning fats. By reducing the amount of toxins and fat in the area you will make a big step towards a cellulite free future.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea extract has very much the same features of caffeine extract. This is mostly because of the fact that green tea itself contains caffeine. So instead of going over the same benefits again, let's just move to the next extract.
Horstail Extract
Horstail extract helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by providing a trace mineral that is essential for your skin. This mineral is called silica. It is known to benefit skin elasticity, it's healing process and the reduction of cellulite. After getting this nutrient your skin will be much firmer.
Algae Extract
Algea extract is known for many health benefits, but the ones that help cure cellulite are once again increased blood circulation, detoxification, increased cardiovascular health, increased fat burning and anti-inflammatory properties. According to some sources, one of the main reasons for cellulite is inflammation, so the last benefit is also very crucial.
Gotu Kola Extract
This herb has showed the amazing benefit of increasing the collagen synthesis. Collagen is extremely important for your skin. It is actually the main component of your connective tissue. A decrease of this component can lead to cellulite, which makes its synthesis very important to you. Other benefits of Gotu Kola are the previously mentioned detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties.
Capsicum extract
Capsicum extract is also used to promote blood circulation and an increase in the metabolism of fats. I guess I forgot to mention that the build up of toxins is one of the main reasons behind cellulite. You can understand why a better blood circulation and detoxification is crucial and why most of the extracts in my list have this in common.
Fennel Extract
This herb extract is helpful primarily thanks to it's detox abilities and high amount of minerals and vitamins that are essential for your skin's health.
Aloe Vera Extract
It is known to reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin. Inflammation is not only a cause for cellulite, but can also lead to long term skin damage. This makes Aleo vera extract very important.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract
Ginkgo strengthens the veins which helps blood circulation, stimulate detoxification and improves fat metabolism.
Grapeseed Extract
It Is known for improving cardiovascular health and inhibiting the two enzymes that harm connective tissue- collagenase and elastase. It is also a great anti-oxidant that promotes detox.
These are the 10 plant extracts that cure cellulite, I tried to keep it short and to the point so reading this post doesn't consume too much of your time.
What you can do to get those plants to work for you is to find a cream that contains them and apply them on the affected area. You probably think that for some of them you can find an oral version as opposed to a topical cream, however, if you really want to cure cellulite you better use a cream. This way they will reach the desired area in a much much more concentrated form. There are a variety of creams, based on those extracts. My advice is to find one that contains all of them, instead of focusing on a single herb type of cream. Most of them show much greater results in a combination.
The cream that I would recommend is Revitol Cellulite Solution. It contains all of these and many other great ingredients like Shae butter, Retinol A, Horse chestnut and others. This formula aims in not only removing cellulite, but also helping the skin recover and get back to it's natural beauty. Just like nature intended it to be. They also have some pretty good deals, when buying more than one tube. For more info on Revitol, click here to read my review!
As I told you, I tried to keep the post to the point so if you still have some questions left unanswered don't hesitate to send me an email at stancho1234@gmail.com or leave a comment.
woman with no cellulite
Found on:stanshealth.com
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