The one move you need for your best butt.The best forms of beauty
This Butt Exercise Changes Everything
A few years ago, I had what we'll call a huge fitness crush on a trainer. (Is that a thing? Well, it's a thing now.) Her name was Gina and she had the best butt of all time. My friends and I took all her classes in the vain hope that we might one day achieve a behind that was even half as fabulous as hers. I learned a lot from her. And, her kickboxing, weight-lifting, and circuit-training classes were full of simple fitness secrets that I still use to this day. The best butt-centric tip Gina taught me, though, is definitely the donkey kick. It's simple, it's efficient, and you can really just feel it working. We asked pro-trainer Jessi Kneeland from Peak Performance NYC to give us a refresher course on the ins and outs of a proper donkey kick. Click through and give it a shot. But, be warned — serious booty transformations may occur. Hard Tail Forever Pants; Hard Tail Forever Sports bra; Nike Roshe Run Sneakers, $70, available at NikePhotographed by Aliya Naumoff.
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