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A Christmas Eve Inspiration.Nails.The best forms of beauty

Fairly Charming: A Christmas Eve Inspiration! 

A Christmas Eve Inspiration!

Hello my loves!
I can't believe Christmas Eve is finally here... hallelujah!!  This has been by far the busiest season for singing I have ever had and my nails have definitely suffered for it :(  I mentioned last week that I broke a nail on my picture hand and am now down to nubs *sigh*.  It's so hard to be inspired to do nail art when my fingers look and feel like stubs lol.  So I've been occupying myself with other things... like building a new work/nail station (!!!!), but that is for another post ;)  This post is about the ladies who inspired a mani that makes my hands feel pretty again lol...

 Colors Used: Sinful Colors Nail Art - Time Off, Spellbound Nails - Pishsalver (Drink Me)

I was perusing thru my Instagram feed the other day and saw this fabulous mani by @hillarykozuch where she combined black tips with white glitter.  I loved it!  She mentioned in a comment that she was inspired by Cajon De Los Esmaltes and I thought, "Oh, how nice!".  I then went about my merry way...

 Last night while racking my brain trying to think of a quick and simple Christmas-y mani I got frustrated and went to Google.  Lo and behold Ms. Cajon's mani popped up!  It was fated that I try this look and I'm so very glad I did.  My nubbies look presentable lol.

 Thanks for the inspiration ladies!

I hope you all have a very lovely day!  I'll be back later with some... "shimmer" ;)

Until next time!
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