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Jade & Black With Stripes Nails.The best forms of beauty

Shimmery Jade & Black With Stripes Nails ~
 Here Today.. Aragon Tomorrow + suede accent nail - lightbox, natural light

Personally, I couldn't love this manicure more. It's simple, green and super shiny ♥ I admit that I was totally biased, wanting to love it made me work harder to make it work ;) The name and colour is what won me over, it's very hard to love through swatch pics, as it looks so black. Unless you're a hardcore dark green lover and jelly tolerater/lover like me, I don't think Aragon will do much for you - it's not a perfect green creme but it will work if you love it enough and have the patience for three coats.

What's your opinion about Here Today... Aragon Tomorrow? Do you own it, the suede version or both? Which is your favourite version? If I had to choose, I'd go for the Suede version (and I just might have to get a back-up of it, I love it so much), but I'm really glad to have both and will be using them combined again :)



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