Black & White nails

OMD Challenge – Day 4, Black & White
Evening all and a Happy 4th of July to all those who celebrate it! Hope you’re having a good time! I had some nail mail arrive today – 3 Butter Londons; Keks (a bright blue), Cheeky Chops (a vivid pastel yellow), & Primrose Hill Picnic (hot pink) Once the challenge is over I’ll post them up :-)
I am loving all your manis! You are all so talented :-) I’m going to have a job deciding which mani to recreate for day 31….
Today’s theme was black and white and I have something super simple to show you…
EDIT : Regular readers of my blog will know that I will always credit someone if I decide to recreate a mani or if I’m heavily influenced by someone else work – I’m all up for sharing ideas but outright stealing someone else’s work is just wrong. It’s been brought to my attention that this mani is very similar to one that Lucy from Lucy’s Stash did recently. If you haven’t checked out Lucy’s website you really must as it’s a-mazing :-) The last thing I want is for anyone to think that I’m taking someone else’s design and claiming it to be my own. Whilst I honestly hadn’t seen Lucy’s mani until it was highlighted to me this evening, I can totally understand why it was felt (quite rightly) that my design was just too similar to Lucy’s not to have been plagiarised. If it was one of my mani’s I’d totally feel the same way. So, here is a link to Lucy’s manicure.
- Essie ‘Blanc’ (base colour) 2 coats
- Black acrylic paint
- Dotting tool
- Nail studs
- Seche Vite
Like I said, pretty simply huh :-) I used acrylic paint this time as it’s much easier to correct any mistakes (and there were a few). I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys have come up with.
Tomorrow is skittles but I’m afraid I won’t be posting tomorrow. My friend Chrissy and her lovely man Chris are getting married next month (it’s going to be a great day!) and tomorrow evening is the hen do so I’m not going to have time to do the challenge so I will do a double post on Saturday :-)
See you all soon!
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