name="p:domain_verify"/> 4 Moves to Lift and Tighten Your Butt.The best forms of beauty | best forms of beauty

4 Moves to Lift and Tighten Your Butt.The best forms of beauty

4 Moves to Lift and Tighten Your Butt

The absolute best moves for lifting and tightening those stubborn glutes are found in this workout Buttworkout.Fitness.

Booty, backside, bum, glutes...whatever you call it, this workout is made to tone it!  

Butt, booty, backside, bum, glutes…whatever you call it, this workout is made to lift and tighten the entire butt. The gluteus consists of four muscles, the maximus, medius, minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae.  The following exercises are designed to hit all angles of the gluteus.

Equipment Needed: One set of medium weights(8-12 lbs), yoga mat or soft surface
What to Do: Review the videos below for demonstrations of each exercise. Perform 15 repetitions of each exercise; rest up to 30 seconds after each round of exercises are complete.
Beginner Level: Perform 1 round. Intermediate Level: Perform 3 rounds. Advanced Level: Perform 4 rounds.
1. Plié Squat
2. Leg Extension
3. Side Lunge (15 each side)
4. Straight-Legged Deadlifts

4 Moves to Lift and Tighten Your Butt - The absolute best moves for lifting and tightening those stubborn glutes are found in this #workout. #buttworkout #fitness
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