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Want to burn fat and destroy cellulite?.The best forms of beauty

Want to burn fat and destroy cellulite? This wondrous juice does just that.

By:  Vivien Veil
This anti-cancer juice is exploding with ingredients that contain high levels of vitamins A and C
Regularly drinking this pure juice will affect every aspect of your life.  We all know that beauty comes from within; and once you begin hydrating your body with the most nutritionally perfect – organic liquid – everything about you will shine!  Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your nails, and your emotional thoughts – you will be wholly renewed and transformed.
Once the body and mind start operating on the fuel which God gave you – you will instantly feel energised!  This positive outcome will then spill over to all aspects of your life – your work, your relationships, and your self-confidence.
The ingredients in this juice expunges mucus and eradicates toxins.  Toxins and a too-acidic body contribute to weight gain.  The acidic residues infiltrate your cells – causing you to store fat.  The antioxidants in citrus fruit and the metabolism booster ginger join hands and saturate the cells – flushing out all the nasty bad stuff.
Plus, the fruit acids dissolve the mucus that are keeping those deadly acids hostage in your body.  Many of our favourite foods in the Western diet are loaded with acidity – creating acidic garbage in the bloodstream.  Such foods include dairy, meat, gluten-flour, coffee, alcohol, sugar, and even pollution.  It’s not harmful if you eat acidic foods in tiny amounts, but indulging on very acid-forming foods regularly places a burdensome task on the kidneys and liver.
This living juice will help you destroy that toxic build-up.  After you develop a healthy nutritional lifestyle – loaded with living raw foods – the fat will just melt off.  So, join me as we kill those intruders with the potent ingredients listed below.
The main ingredient in my special elixir is – you guessed it – grapefruit!  Grapefruits are the largest members of the citrus family.  They originated outside of Asia and were hybridised in Jamaica (possibly a cross between a pommelo and a sweet orange).  A real popular ‘weight loss’ fruit, grapefruits are ‘eliminators’ – making them the ultimate detoxifier.  Your liver will love you once you start drinking these citrus delights.
Juice fasting with grapefruits (or eating them) for 3-7 days will detoxify your body.  It’ll clean out your colon and purify the fluids in your body.
Okay… Let’s start juicing! This zingy, zesty juice will instantly wake you and your senses up – making this an excellent breakfast juice.


  • 5 Grapefruits
  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Limes
  • 1/4 Medium Pineapple
  • Handful of Ginger, you be the judge on how much to use


  1. Cut the tops and bottoms of the grapefruits.  Then get a sharp knife and cut around the edges to peel off the skin.  Remember not to cut the white pith away – as it contains a ton of nutrients.  Do the same with the limes, pineapple, and lemon. (**You don’t need to peel the limes and lemon if you own a high-quality juicer)
  2. Juice the lemon, limes, ginger, and grapefruits. Then, juice the pineapple.
  3. Pour over ice.  Salud! (Cheers in Spanish for you non-Spanish speakers)

What’s So Important about Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is required for repairing and maintaining cells and bones – not to mention fighting off infections.  It even lowers your cancer and cardiovascular disease risks.  We need to continuously consume vitamin C rich foods – as our bodies don’t store vitamin C.

Health Benefits of Grapefruit Juice

  1. Cancer killer
  2. Lowers blood pressure
  3. Lowers cholesterol
  4. Makes you go number two by stimulating the digestive system
  5. Boosts the immune system
  6. Rich in vitamins A, C, folate, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, bioflavinoids, citric and phenolic acid, and pectin
  7. A great diuretic – helps reduce water retention
  8. Helps you lose weight
  9. Cellulite buster
  10. Powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial

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